WordPress Rocks! and WordCamp is as much knowledge and information as can be consumed in a single day, when it comes to learning about WordPress and web publishing.
What I learned at WordCamp was profound, that really it’s about the written word and spinning a yarn, then publishing it. The technology is now so incredible, for developing the most amazing communication platform ever. Blocks are here now and Plugins for everything.
WordPress and it’s Plugins dominate the world wide web development and web site design

Among the mistakes that I learned in WordCamp that I’ve been making, is to assume that I knew what content would build an audience online. Truth dictates that blogging about the daily life will have an audience, over time. The key is consistency, same as writing well, it takes discipline and also “getting over” what anyone else might think about what you write.
The key to blogging is to blog, so it’s so important to stand in your own authority, as an authentic but flawed human, and tell the story of what the world looks like, from your perspective. Realize though, that your voice needs to be either motivational, or inspiring, since there’s no audience for negativity (well, not in my way of thinking).
Other simple things I learned, like not to have an “About” link but rather an immediate and clear call to action, with explanation of why a person should respond to your. That is if you’re offering a service or selling a product but mostly what I’m referring to here is the pure art of blogging.

When I started this blog in 2004 it was as a corporate style of message, these ideas came from designing websites, for small businesses, starting back in the 1990’s. I had never shed those basic but wrong ideas.
The best thing I learned at WordCamp is that there’s legions of bright, enthusiastic experts, in every single niche of every aspect for both web design and development, not to mention writing and creative, insanely talented graphic artists can create wild designs that can be turned into awesome websites.
The future is ours with WordPress and the web! Ideas can reach the entire planet, lifting the masses with our good news.
WordCamp Photo by Jake Noren on Unsplash Ostrich Image by Stefan Zier from Pixabay
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