The Song of the Butterfly was recorded at a private session in Hungry 2014 with four brilliant artists in jam. This video has 15,592,964 views for a good reason, especially in today’s pop culture of electronically created music. This mesmerizing song is performed entirely in the spirit of the moment.
While attending Everness Festival in Hungary we were invited by artist Istvan Sky Kék Égto to visit his Surya Sangíta Asram. There four beautiful souls met together and by improvising created the musical adventure you are witnessing now.
Music made by Collaboration of: Istvan Sky Kék Ég, Estas Tonne, Pablo Arellano, Indrė Kuliešiūtė.
Video made by Geri Dagys
This track is available for download from: iTUNES: https://goo.gl/pqYGqB ETMusic Site: https://goo.gl/WNJjtb BANDCAMP: https://goo.gl/82VEk2 More info about artists Estas Tonne – http://estastonne.com Pablo Arellano – http://pabloarellano.org Istvan Sky Kék Ég – http://miracles.hu Indrė Kuliešiūtė – http://facebook.com/kuliesiute.indre Geri Dagys – http://abu2.com

Sitar is the main instrument in The Song of the Butterfly. Sitar is named after a Persian instrument called the setar (meaning three strings). The sitar flourished in the 16th and 17th centuries and arrived at its present form in 18th-century India. It derives its distinctive timbre and resonance from sympathetic strings, bridge design, a long hollow neck and a gourd-shaped resonance chamber. In appearance, the sitar is similar to the tanpura, except that it has frets.
Used widely throughout the Indian subcontinent, the sitar became popularly known in the wider world through the works of Ravi Shankar, beginning in the late 1950s and early 1960s.[1] In the 1960s, a short-lived trend arose for the use of the sitar in Western popular music, with the instrument appearing on tracks by bands such as The Beatles, The Doors, The Rolling Stones and others.
The Song of the Butterfly Photo credit: Globalism Pictures on Visual Hunt / CC BY
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