I AM the project is now how it is. An opportunity to work on some repairs at home, me. I want to raise my volume and improve harmony. My desire is to want less and give more, therefore I plan to change the way I was thinking and make an new improved I AM.
Recently it had come to my attention, that I was using my energy to fight in an online war with evil. While that my be in fact true, that there is a war against evil. My realization now though, is that the war is over, only if that’s how I make it so.
You see, the world is open for travel but not to return home. The circumstance for me, is I prefer to remain home, until the coast is clear. Now as the long winter sets in, I am enjoying the time to improve my mind, so that deep cleanse negative thoughts and replant new ideas.
Every day I am guided to learn brilliant new ideas, that lead me towards happiness. These days my dopamine has been thinking and sharing thoughts with great minds. Not only thinkers from today but also sharp minds from the past. Always giving me the best rush, when it smashes into the “Good Book” (aka KJV Bible). Sometimes the smallest hit, can give you the biggest rush.
Funny how spirituality has become such a big part of my journey. I never thought I would say that I was saved by Jesus Christ, it would have been cheeky way back when. Now that I have lived so many years, it shames me that I needed saving so badly but I now thank God every day, for my inner peace and love of life.
Redemption is what Jesus gave me. Now by the hand of the Almighty, I Am living each and every day with passion and positive energy. Health and fitness become routine and easy but it’s the inner work of letting-go of bad memories from the past. The hardest thing to do is forgive oneself, for things that didn’t turn out the way we wanted.
Forgiveness is the main work of the I am project. To practice “the Way” to live, is to learn the grace of God. I am accepting the challenge and already well along the path and forever grateful, for having this opportunity, plus the time and ambition to accomplish.
I am proof that Jesus would return, in the flesh. Yes, that’s right… look around you and you will see, it’s not just me. God has sent his son back, this time nothing can harm him, because he is us.
Photo credit: Chris Devers on Visualhunt
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