
Tag Archives | okanagan

Wally Day skiing

Wally Day and the Angel Over Okanagan

My Dad died a week ago today, he went with love and some last words from my Mom. She said “Wally, if you lose your way on the other side, just say the name of Jesus and he’ll come and get you”. Well apparently he said those magic words, in the name of Yeshua he […]

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Balsamorhiza sagittata, found on Knox Mountain

Sweet home Okanagan

Aaron atop Knox Mountain, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Sweet home Okanagan title fits so well, borrowed from the famous rock anthem by Lynard Skynard, that it could very well have been written for the place where I grew up; the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. Kelowna 1909 My family legend is that my father’s grandfather […]

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Super Natural British Columbia

My family’s home in Canada is some 200 miles east of Vancouver, about half-way between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, on the shore of a magnificent lake in a magical valley, both sharing the Native Indian name “Okanagan”. Every summer I return to the place of my youth, both literally and figuratively, as […]

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