Tag Archives | Donald Trump

Trump unites

Trump Super Power is to Unite People

Trump has a unique Super Power to unite people Most American’s will remember January 6, 2021 as the day of the fake insurrection but something else happened that day. The largest gathering of citizens in the history of the country. All types of people showed-up, all creeds and colors, from all corners, to unite with the 45th […]

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Trump Stand

Operation Warp Speed Worked Wonders for USA

I am often asked about Operation Warp Speed and why Trump promotes the Jab. My first response is to look what a man does, not what he says. He pulled his mask off with a flourish, after recovering from CV19 himself, within 48 hours. Much of Trump’s nuance was lost on the masses because LameStream […]

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Constitution of United States

Trump is Trolling the Fake News

Constitution of the United States is the Bait Donald J. Trump is a grand-master of trolling, he does it so well that even seasoned veterans for Fake News, don’t know when they’ve been hooked, by his sharp wit. To know your enemy is key in defeating them and knowing how they are going to react, […]

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George Returns

The Triumphant Return of George Magazine

George Magazine Returns Triumphantly, Declaring the Return of Trump A monumental moment in history has arrived and the masses are so distracted and asleep, that many have completely overlooked. George Magazine coming back with George Volume 1 – 2.0 Issue 1 and prominently displays Trump as Paul Revere, holding #17 lamp. The tagline “Gene Ho […]

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Military is the only way

Digital Soldier Perspective on the InfoWar

Now that I’ve had time to digest and reflect on the announcement by President Trump, I am all the more convinced that he is the Commander-in-Chief of the worlds largest, most complex, coordinated, military operation in history. Many confirmations have come, from many fellow Patriots. All of us share the same view of this InfoWar, […]

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Full blood moon over America on election night

On the Eve of the Full Blood Moon

How the US election is Hung, on the full blood moon, of November 8th, 2022 All eyes in the world are on America on this full blood moon, could there be more suspense? How about an election sting operation and a hung election? Buckle-up…. Tomorrow is the most important election in the history of mankind, […]

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evil enemy

Getting to Know The Enemy

Hell is devoid of logic. These people are sick Archbishop Vigano said it best about the enemy, in an open letter to President Trump. Describing the children of light versus the forces of Darkness. What he’s referring to is our enemy, but in a broader sense, it’s pure evil. Vigano also said that there is […]

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George Magazine

Digital Soldier Tradecraft

Intel Gathering tools and techniques A Digital Soldier needs to be constantly screening scanning and consuming information. It’s really key to be diverse but detail orientated and think critically. Continue following the right information that helps expand your knowledge of the facts. In an information War, the truth is the bomb, words and memes are […]

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Q Super Trump

Always Alone but Never Lonely

The last few years I have been always alone but never lonely. Sure, I have friends and a social life but after the scamdemic the need for them diminished, as I feel there’s work to be done to save the planet. After we win this war (against tyranny), there will be time to socialize.  A […]

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Game over, thank you for playing

Checkmate on October 28th, Game Over

The first Q post was 5 years ago, this 28th of October, the game began. I have been a believer that it’s a Military program, connected to a Manual called “Law of War”. Recently an Army Veteran with a Law degree came forward to explain in detail, how the Unified Military Code of Justice (UCMJ) […]

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