
Tag Archives | Danïelle Stotijn

hacking the matrix

Mastery of Emotions

The collective and individual healing work we will need to take on to clear out fields and grid of the lower vibrations we have been stuck in for generations. In order to ascend from he lower grid we must learn the Mastery of Emotions I see people suffering from generational blocks and unconscious curses as […]

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The return of Christ Consciousness

The return of Christ Consciousness What does Christ Consciousness really mean?Everyone has Christ Consciousness within…. Christ Consciousness The term “Christ” means a person whose conscious of their behavior and actions, and can Give /Receive Love and Compassion without wanting anything back in return.“ Christ Consciousness” means, a person who embraces and demonstrates divinity. Divinity refers […]

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Collapsing of the Dam that ends the Game

The Collapsing of the Dam that ends the Game Duality is the 3D game of the Elite. Trapped in between the experience of Love and Fear we have been imprisoned.Unable to see.Unable to know.Unable to ascend.Our souls trapped in the human mind and body. We forgot in the moment we are born that we are […]

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