
Tag Archives | Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Looking Into Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Unlocking Artificial Intelligence I am a web geek, always was (since the term was coined) and always will be. When I heard about Open AI and how successful the launch of ChatGPT, I had to see it for myself. Fear of Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be on high-alert, making me even more intrigued. A […]

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Language agnostic document processing: Finding relations using statistics, machine learning, and graphs. Artificial Intelligence.

Brilliant Artificial Intelligence of “I write like”

Not exactly sure how I found the website “I write like” but from the first moment I was mesmerized by the system. A simple idea in theory but very complicated in application. It’s a good example of where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found a perfect application, to rapidly analyze language patterns, then make comparison of […]

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