Elders Without Borders is a non-profit organization that was established in 1999 by Michael Swinwood and Algonquin traditional Elder, Grandfather William Commanda. The initial vision was to establish a space dedicated to the preservation of the wisdom and teachings of Indigenous Elders and Ancestors across Mother Earth. To use this wisdom in restoring traditional ways of living, reclaiming sacred sites, supporting unification of Elders, and reintegration of the Indigenous ways into the lives of ALL humanity, so we may learn the importance of the preservation of Mother Earth for the future of our children.
Along with holding sacred space, the vision of Elders Without Borders included the recognition of the importance of Standing Tall in one’s rights, freedoms and Truth; not only as an individual but also as a community. In that understanding, Grandfather Commanda saw the power of the legal system to hold space for those rights and to give a voice to that Truth in the hope that change would emerge. Following that path, Elders Without Borders includes a strong team of specialized lawyers who are working tirelessly to assist us all, as we navigate through a seemingly unlawful system.
IF THIS SPEAKS TO YOUR HEART – PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPPORTING US as our Legal Team works Pro Bono to bring these issues before the Court.
We are also working to bring people together; to unite like-hearted humans from across Canada and afar, in support of building self-sustainable communities functioning as learning, teaching, and sharing centers connected under the same vision, calling and understanding.
IF THIS SPEAKS TO YOUR HEART – PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPPORTING US as our Community Building Team brings this vision to life.
Our goal is to create and offer solutions working traditionally and innovatively. Funds collected will be used to support our Elder’s Circles, legal team, website management, support line, resources management, community builders, and volunteer support.
Please visit our website for more insight into our endeavors and what you can do to help support the Next 7 Generations! www.elderswithoutborders.ca
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