Sometime ago I began testing Slack Chat or just Slack as it’s called, for collaboration on projects with people from different parts of the world. By far the best system for aggregating documents and media related to projects and it has a snappy messenger but I want to learn how to integrate Slack Chat into my wordpress websites, for communication with readers.
This post is dedicated to my experience with Slack Chat and also I should say that I have tried and tested most every Instant messenger and and always seeking the best tools for collaboration, most recently I’m enjoying Discord and have been learning Teelgram. In the past Skype has been my main tool but Google Hangouts and Zoom are in t here too.
On mobile phone I think that WeChat is superior but I like the ease of WhatsApp and again Skype is a main go-to, but also tried many others and even like an encrypted secure platform of Signal.
What an octopus of online services, recently I saw a site to help manage remote storage overload. This didn’t surprise me because I was wondering how much redundant useless media I have on Dropbox, One Drive and Google Drive, plus a couple others I have but those 3 are huge spaces that I need another app to manage the duplicate removal and stop waste.
My hope was that Slack Chat would become capable of solving a variety of communication, management and collaboration challenges that could always be improved to increase efficiency and save time.
UPDATE: Now that I’ve done the integration of Slack Chat into this WordPress platform and learned how it works and how easy it is to install, I realized that my purpose for Slack is collaboration, not customer support chat, which is more descriptive of how Slack Chat is connected, which is outstanding for that task.
Slack for project collaboration is excellent, just as it is. : )
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