My first friend in USA when I moved to Pompano Beach, Florida following the great real estate crash of Toronto in 1989, where I had been a licensed real estate agent. My next door neighbour on the Intra-coastal waterway, was James Taylor Bruce. James created the concept of Share the Growth and now created the website SharetheGrowth.org.
Share the Growth presents 4 Wisdoms; knowledge and training for peace, prosperity and happiness. Here’s an excerpt from 4 Wisdoms about the author and founder Nicolas Kimaz.
Nicolas Kimaz’s 25 years of expertise and unique approach will activate your 4 Wisdoms to be transformed through a special process to give your Life a Spiritual Meaning that will influence your leadership and relationships to Scale to a Higher Being –to become a river of Gifts, a river of Love, a river of Giving and a river of Healing.
Dr. Nicolas Kimaz, N.D
4 Wisdoms is co-created with Share the Growth and incorporates the business model where many more people are engaged in an operation but the distribution of expenses is used across a greater number of individuals, a synergy of more hands making lighter work, to provide better service, better end results and a better customer experience, with more profit.
Share the Growth is genius and a simple idea long overdue, essentially the idea is bring innovation to the business model itself, which was never transferred into the concept of being in service of others, and extending that into a business model that can harmonize management and operations of any type of traditional business. Share the Growth is the way of the future, as we begin to return to collective societies.
Share the Growth Photo credit: Captain Kimo on VisualHunt.com / CC BY-NC-ND
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