Peace Revolution

Corcovado head Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Peace RevolutionOn Oct 16 I moved into a rented suite in a Penthouse apartment overlooking Ibirapuera Park, the central park of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was so exciting to be back in Brasil, after 6 months in Canada, which was rapidly turning to winter, so every day and every night was filled with activity and exploration of my new neighbourhood called Vila Clementino, which is built on the hills overlooking Moema, probably the most popular section in all of the city because it’s the only large area of flat ground.

Finally one evening, after going out about dozen nights in a row to learn about my new surroundings, I was determined to stay in and read but for some odd reason, at about 10:30 PM I started looking from my balcony to see if the pizza place was still open, which it was, however since I thought they were open till midnight, I didn’t arrive until just after 11 to learn that they were closed. About 11:11 PM a Brazilian dude who had just finished his meal, intervened on my half to allow me service. We sat together and talked, then when they closed, some 30 minutes later he asked me if I’d like to see his house, which was for sale. Sure let’s do it, I proclaimed, as I felt comfortable with this Dude from the start.

It turns out that I met the most amazing friend, on Nov, 11, at 11:11 on a street called Avenida Onze de Junho, which translates to Ave 11th of June. It actually wasn’t until the next day that I realized all these 11/11 anomalies but after spending 3 or 4 hours in the company of my new-found friend, named Marcos Claudino da Silva, the prior evening and having been intrigued by his amazing history, plus the fact that we were both the same age, and both of us had recently returned to Brazil. I went directly back to his house the following evening, before dark and told him that I wanted to provide assistance in helping him fulfil his vision because I thought then and still think now, that it’s the best idea I’d ever heard for making the world a better place.

Marcos Claudino da Silva is an singer/songwriter extraordinaire! His project is called “Peace Revolution” and it’s 12 original tracks of fusion of Samba, Rock and Reggae. Please check-out his website and listen to his music.


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