Patriots and Frog Family, Quitting is NOT an option for me. If I truly believe in something or someone I will never quit. We accepted God’s whisper and we began our journey to save the children, save humanity. I once read a quote that seemed harsh but it became very true while on this mission. It simply read “Cowards never start. The weak never finish. Winners never Quit!”
You frogs ARE winners. So many of you have helped me grow personally. You know who you are. I woke up stronger today. I woke up knowing that any mistakes I made yesterday belong to yesterday. Today is a clean slate and I am feeling stronger than ever. How could I not???
Look at all the totally amazing people in my life because of this mission. The future is moments away. We have all come so very far from where we started out. We have more missions on the horizon.
We are getting through the toughest mission ever attempted.
I know this mission and the people that came into my life have transformed me into a more positive person. I have several great things to look forward to. SEVERAL surprises are in store!!!
Omg I want to blurt it all out but I won’t at this time. But look at how this mission has transformed you. Sure…we took major hits. We lost people that we care so very much about but I am forever optimistic that they will once again want to get to learn the newer version of who we are. We are definitely stronger. We are seeing things clearer. We are acknowledging who and what are important in our lives.
We will never become sheep again. We have a future to rebuild. We have a present to enjoy. We have a past to hold our memories. We are moving forward my frogs. We have so much love and joy coming our way.
Stand Strong Digital Soldiers – Hold the Line

People and missions come into your life for a reason. It took a bit longer than I would have wanted to totally understand this. I am so very proud of everything you frogs have helped to accomplish. This mission turned into a major journey. My journey was twofold….personal growth and spiritual growth…actually they ended up combining into one focused journey.
God is truly in charge. I learned that when things get really tough, all I need to do is ask God to either grant me additional strength or to please shoulder some of the pain. God ALWAYS listens. If He doesn’t grant you your wish, there is a great reason for it….he has something better in store for you.
So frogs…trust in yourself. Believe in yourself…don’t allow fear to hold you back. So many new and interesting things are coming our way. Yes, this week will be a bit rough but….it takes a storm for us to see the rainbow.
Flynn’s F.R.O.G.s and Fully Reliant On God
We are Flynn’s F.R.O.G.s and Fully Reliant On God. We are united. You will never be alone again. We have formed an unbreakable family and we did it internationally. Now THAT alone is a feat that no one saw coming!!!
Where we go one, we go all. Justice is being delivered. The future will be so bright (dark to light). God bless you all! I can’t express just how deeply I love each and every one of you. Yes!!! My positivity level is indeed skyrocketing and great things are coming to all. Just be patient!
Mar (Maryann Chambers)❤️❤️❤️ 11/8/21
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