Declaration of independence from copyright infringement for the Blog One of the best resources on the web, for understanding Copyright Law and how it pertains to the web, is provided by Stanford University and is called “Copyright and Fair Use. This great resource features primary material (laws and statutes), current legislation, guides, links to […]
Silicon Palms web server traffic
Every Sunday night at midnight the Silicon Palms server, home to a dozen active websites, automatically performs a analysis of the access logs using a software called Urchin 5, to generate very thorough and extremely accurate visitor reports. Urchin 5 is the best in my opinion, and I’ve tried many other similar software, because the […] Executive Summary is a Direct Marketing Company concentrated on Internet Gambling operations. Since 1997 the founders have specialized in helping Internet Gaming businesses get and keep customers. (WS) plans to develop an Affiliate Network and Portal for the Gambling Industry. The Company (WS) is planning to develop a “Player Rewards Club” to sell CRM (customer […]
Welcome to Silicon Palms Weblog
My name is Aaron Arthur Day and I’m the editor, publisher and founder of Silicon Palms. This is a new software on an old Blog, as several things prompted me to remove the old content and software, which was originally started in 2001, and replace the entire weblog section of the Silicon Palms site with […]