“Once a man worries, he clings to anything out of desperation; and once he clings he is bound to get exhausted or to exhaust whomever or whatever he is clinging to. A warrior-hunter, on the other hand, knows he will lure game into his traps over and over again, so he doesn’t worry.” ~ Carlos […]
Sao Paulo summer
Carnival has ended and the city is back to full pace. The weather is hot and humid, just how I like it. My wife Paula and I spend as much time as possible at the Club, get up earlier in the morning when the temperature is very agreeable, to get some programming work done. After […]
Miami Beach
My partner has a condo in an old luxury apartment builiding on Miami Beach, and I’m lucky enough to get to use it from time to time. Tomorrow night I depart Sao Paulo, Brasil on a red-eye bound for Miami. If my luck holds-up, I’ll arrive and clear customs before 6:00am, hit a cash machine […]

Shelley Anne Day
It’s my sister’s birthday today and I tried calling her but she was out-to-lunch (no pun intended). I’m blessed with a great family and love both my sisters, as they’re so magnanimous, clever, and enthusiastic. Shelley is particularity feisty, almost to the point of being stubborn, but has great sensibilities and incredible values. (more…)
Network Marketing Gambling
In all my years of being involved in sales and marketing, I’ve never witnessed a more dynamic combination than what we’re experiencing with the growth on 888.biz MLM program. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since the official launch and we’ve set records for growth and most likely for volume of sales, as there was $300k […]
Web server stats
Silicon Palms Server, unique users – Date Range: 11/07/2005 – 11/13/2005 offshorenet.com 15764 commoditytrader.com 15261 traderwizard.com 8656 winningstreak.com 7064 intellectualsecurity.com 4439 siliconpalms.com 2325 securitytraders.com 2121 investoffshore.com 1855
Dogs of Sao Paulo
We’ve befriended a nice neighborhood dog named Bobby, he’s similar looking to a Golden retriever but a little less gold, little smaller and thiner. Very gentle dog that lives freely in the area and travels a circuit to visit his many friends and eat some handouts. Bobby, or Roberto as we sometimes call him, comes […]
Point of Life
For several years I’ve been subscribed to a Newsletter by a man from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, named Michael Levy. I really can’t even remember how I came about to be registered, because it’s been so long. Perhaps through “Science of Mind” as I attended the services regularly for many years when I lived in South […]
Casino Beach
Today CasinoBeach.com got a new design and upgraded software, from Mambo to Joomla. Probably sounds like Chinese unless you happen to know the bleeding edge of the open-source movement. If you’ve read anything at all about Content Management Systems (CMS), you’ll probably know at least three things: CMS are the most exciting way to do […]

Body by design
My girlfriend has pictures around our house from the good old days, when I was some 20 pounds lighter than I am now. Without trying to sound like a diet-sales-spam, I’m going to use the cliche “I’ve struggled with my weight for most of my life”. I suppose I’m lucky that I’m not obese, and […]
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