One great thing about modern day life is the level of communication but it can be a curse if like me you have to delete through hundreds of emails every day just to find the few that were sent by someone you know. Fortunately I use Eudora and have dozens of filters in place and […]
Drive Sao Paulo
You think your city has tough traffic? Take a drive in Sao Paulo, this city of 18 million. First there’s a big disparity between vehicles because many wealthy inhabitants are driving luxury imports, and then there are multitudes of cheap wrecks that may or may not even be registered. Volkswagen has factories in Brasil that […]
I’m enjoying this blog more everyday, although I don’t know who reads what I write or if it serves any purpose. Today I added some advertising under the heading “Propaganda”, which is a great word isn’t it? Maybe you know that I publish other blogs and web sites? and perhaps you’ve figured-out that this one […]
Zen of Web Design
My first web page designs (from scratch) were published sometime in 1994, very crude but made with a simple Notepad editor. I consider that I was very fortunate to have had an excellent teacher in RJ Sullivan he’d been trained in college about commercial art then went on to work for major advertising agencies and […]
Yahoo Publisher Network
Today I was accepted in the Yahoo beta program to test out their new Affiliate Network, for displaying contextual ads that they serve for my pages. I’ve always been a big fan of Yahoo, so shouldn’t have been surprised that I already had an account because I once used services from Overture, which is now […]
Australia Hitch Hike
I arrived in Darwin, Northern Territories from Denpasar Indonesia (Island of Bali) with $8 dollars and change to my name, on a one way ticket. It was the early ’80’s and I was crazy, fearless and naive. My Australian adventure began without my even knowing that I was in the Outback, or for that matter […]
Ego driven
After an entire lifetime of conditioning to excel, consume and compete, to be the best and show it by having the most and best stuff, how does one go about getting to the core of who we are and why we’re here? Is there a reckoning at some point in life where we realize that […]

Robin Williams Peace Plan
Designing websites
My favorite occupation is designing websites, trying to match the best look and style with the subject focus of the website. Of all the things that I do using my computer, it’s the initial design of a website that comes most naturally to me and therefore the task where the most amount of time can […]
Gambling for New Orleans
I made my first trip to New Orleans in 2000 with my brand new wife to celebrate our Honeymoon. We stayed at the Fairmont Hotel in a wonderful suite overlooking the French Quarter, close to the mouth of the Missippi river and a very short walk from Harrah’s Casino. I adore New Orleans and my […]