Woman female beautiful erotic sensual tree nature - wikimedia commons

Wikimedia Commons and Visual Hunt

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Aaron Swartz for the whole “creative commons” movement. I feel that he was somewhat unsung for his part in Wikipedia, so we must strive to always remember him for Wikimedia Commons. Imagine how much music, art, content, media and photography has been licensed and protected for the […]

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Cachaça Caipirinha

The Last Caipirinha

The last Caipirinha was the best one, exactly because it was the last one. The time had come and past, it was time for me to hit the wagon for good. My romance with the Cachaça had lasted long enough, the magic was gone from the relationship and all that was left was drudgery and […]

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The Nebra sky disk

The Nebra Sky Disk

Pay attention to this information. In 1999 something really old and really important was discovered in a forest in Germany, the truth about this find, is just beginning to be told. The Nebra sky disk is a bronze disk of around 30 cm diameter and a weight of 2.2 kg, with a blue-green patina and […]

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Value of an idea

The Value of Ideas

Every body has an idea. Every day, every single person breathing (that’s over seven billion individuals) has new ideas. Who decides what ideas have value? Why do some ideas manifest into reality and other ideas “die-on-the-vine“? When does a good idea become reality? Where do good ideas come from? What is it about ideas that […]

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candles - the power of love

The Power of Love!

As the suns sets on Sampa, I reflect back on my beginning with this Big Pineapple, as it’s perhaps the sweetest and certainly the most poignant memories of all my dozen years living here. It was the power of love that brought me. The single most powerful force known to mankind. Back-story: A girl from […]

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Sugar cane cutters

Sugar Cane Cutters

Once upon a time, in my “young ‘n feerless” days, way back in my early 20’s, I was hitching across Queensland looking for work and boy did I find it. Just outside of Port Douglas, in northern Queensland I met a young dude who’s family owned a sugar plantation, every day they took newbies out […]

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About Us

Stand in your own Power

Max Egan from the Crowhouse, was the first person I heard use the expression; “Stand in your own Power!” However, it’s possible and very likely, that Max borrowed it from someone else, who borrowed it from someone else. The meaning is profound! Each and every one of us are the same and yet entirely unique, […]

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Escape artist, Panama

Escape Artist Extraordinaire

Without a doubt, the oldest and most well-recognized brand in the “Expat” niche is Escape Artist (see: EscapeArtist.com). I moved to South America in 2004, prior to that I lived in South Florida and Miami for 12 years, from where my career took me all over the Bahamas, Central America and the Caribbean. Back in […]

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Self-portrait of Casey Neistat standing in front of a camera on a tripod atop a sand dune in the desert with camels in the background. Apparently taken during filming "Make It Count" for Nike.

Casey Neistat Rocks the Oscars

Casey Neistat is a Game-Changer The back-story, in case you’ve never heard of Casey Neistat, is that he was an accomplished filmmaker who also had created YouTube videos that had gone viral (over one million views). His YouTube channel grew in popularity, so he started making videos more often. Other people started making videos about […]

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Stanley Kubrick - Filmmaker

On becoming a filmmaker

Just writing those words for this title: “On becoming a filmmaker” makes my hands shake because in my mind that distinction is reserved for people next to the Gods. I’m a huge Terantino fan but way before that, and for ever after, I’m a freak for Stanley Kubrick, as well as an absolute groupie of […]

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