Is the end near?

Is the end near?

Is the beginning near? If I could tell you the exact day and time when the world (as we know it) comes to an end, would you be any better for it? What would you do differently, if you knew that there was a small, precise number of days and hours until something out of […]

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Big Pineapple Chronicles

Big Pineapple Chronicles

The nickname “Big Pineapple” for Sao Paulo made perfect sense. In Brasil they have an expression for when people (one or more) have a tough problem to solve: “descascar abacaxi”, which translates to “peel the pineapple”. This always refers to something that is unpleasant and painstaking, with the possibility of making a sticky mess. Interestingly, […]

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Giant Gummibar Humble Pie

Humble Pie Alacarte

Three years ago this May I broke my foot off. When I say “off”, I’m not exaggerating. It’s amazing to me, that I’m able to write about it, which is also part of the reason that “I am” writing about it because I can. Supposedly, I’m still getting over it. For sure it was one […]

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Revolution of the Mind

Have you ever wondered about singularity? The reason I ask is because I personally believe that singularity is what will save humanity and our planet from self-destruction. Perhaps even; a “singularity event” will trigger the truth to take-over, and all at the same time, the majority of inhabitants on earth, will come to the same […]

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The Art of Speculation

That title belongs to a book written by a man I met online and by telephone, for the first time, over ten years ago. His “pen name” is Arthur Fixed and the full title of the book is “The Art of Speculation During Civil War” with the byline; “Sun Tsu meets Jesse Livermore” but I […]

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MVY Radio

Why MVY? Because Martha’s Vineyard Radio Rocks

Once upon a time I drove through Massachusetts on my way to New Brunswick, Canada from Ontario but I never made it to Boston, let alone Cape Cod or Martha’s Vineyard, they’ve been on my bucket list for years but that was as close as I ever got. So what does Martha’s Vineyard Radio ( […]

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Perception vs Reality

Perception vs Reality

Beware the ides of March! The actual quote is from Shakespeare’s tragedy Julius Caesar (1599). The warning is uttered by a soothsayer who is letting Roman leader Julius Caesar know that his life is in danger, and he should probably stay home and be careful when March 15th, the Ides of March, rolls around. How […]

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Bar do Juarez

Bar do Juarez of Sao Paulo

Bar do Juarez has long been my second favourite restaurant in Sao Paulo, they serve a steak dish that they’ve become famous for called “Picanha no Réchaud”, which is a cut of beef that arrives at your table un-cooked but thinly sliced and in the accompaniment of an extremely hot brazier, upon which you grill […]

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palm trees for silicon palms

Veteran Palm Trees of War

São Paulo is the dynamic result of the demolition and reconstruction of successive cities in just over a century. In that short time, the citadel with 30 000 inhabitants has become a metropolis with 20 million inhabitants, and its nature has practically disappeared. Originally very rich in biodiversity, São Paulo showed extensive forests of the […]

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