Karl Marx in Winter

On This Day in History the Communist Manifesto was Published

On February 21, 1848, The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx with the assistance of Friedrich Engels, is published in London by a group of German-born revolutionary socialists known as the Communist League. The political pamphlet–arguably the most influential in history–proclaimed that “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” […]

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Release the Kracken

Release the Kracken on the Blockchain of Cryptocurrency

My adventure in cryptocurrency started recently, despite having joined Steemit a few years ago I did not start purchasing Bitcoin until 2017 but began investing and trading in February of 2018. This is the beginning of my cryptocurrency love affair, the evolution of which became heated with the combination of an excellent buying opportunity and […]

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social media madness

Social Media Madness and Predictable Revenue

In the beginning there was Word, decades before social media madness. Once upon a time being a master of MS Word and Excel Spreadsheets (which still confounds me) was enough of a skill-set to provide you with value in business. Now it’s not enough to be proficient in every app of MS Office but be […]

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Emily Carr Indian Church 1929

Indian Church by Emily Carr

Mar is short for Mary Anne, or so my Mom tells me so. Mar was born in 1935 and became my mother in 1961. She’s the most amazing soul, always seeking things that others have overlooked. Recognizing value in art with an eye for style and a natural tendency to discover treasures. Mar finds art […]

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The Art of Writing

The Art of Writing and Purpose of this Blog

The best way to learn to write, is to write. It is said that the best way to get started is to just begin writing. These are the steps towards the Art of Writing. Some of us have always wanted to be writers and some of were naturally gifted in this expression, while others were […]

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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival (simplified Chinese: 春节; traditional Chinese: 春節; pinyin: Chūn Jié) in modern China, and one of the Lunar New Years in Asia, is an important Chinese festival celebrated at the turn of the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. Celebrations traditionally run from the evening preceding the first day, […]

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Open Source Investigation

Open Source Investigation as Info Weapon

We the people want the truth, good bad and ugly. Open source investigation helps to expose more factual information but unfortunately along with more dis-information, all needed to fill-in a timeline of an alleged crime in working-theory. Much groundbreaking work has been done by Lee Stranahan from Citizen Journalism School, George Webb from @TruthLeaks and […]

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Orange on Brown Road

Orange on Brown Road

Do you ever wonder if there’s hidden meaning to random things we see? Like a clue from the universe? Being of Irish descent it’s impossible not to think about superstition or ruminate about coincidence and chance. As the famous Irish ditty goes” I’m looking over, a four leaf clover that I overlooked before…. How about […]

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Tridymite (a silicon), ultra thin colorless tabulars (image width: 1,1 mm) - Locality: Wannenköpfe, Ochtendung, Eifel region, Germany

Silicon Definition from Wikipedia

In the universe, silicon is the seventh most abundant element, coming after hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon. These abundances are not replicated well on Earth due to substantial separation of the elements taking place during the formation of the Solar System. Silicon makes up 27.2% of the Earth’s crust by weight, second only […]

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Spiritual Warfare Protection

The past shows that there’s always been a Spiritual war of good versus evil, for sure the proof has always been there, plus throughout history there’s been bad guys and good guys and from the beginning of time; good people have succumbed to bad ideas. However it’s the cover-up and obstruction of truth that makes […]

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