Eleven, eleven, eleven

Eleven, eleven, eleven

Esprit Science Metaphysiques November Eleven, 2018 will be a particularly powerful day Do you usually watch your phone or clock when it’s 11:11? Do you see repeating sequences of figures all around you, whether on license plates or receipts? This year in particular, countless people around the world have reported 11:11 on a daily basis. […]

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Bob Marley

Bob Marley Movement of Jah People

To have a music category here on Silicon Palms and not mention Bob Marley, would be a massive mistake and an error by omission, since he’s the most important musician of my life. No other artist has touched me in the same way, and I don’t feel as though my appreciation of reggae and Bob […]

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Language agnostic document processing: Finding relations using statistics, machine learning, and graphs. Artificial Intelligence.

Brilliant Artificial Intelligence of “I write like”

Not exactly sure how I found the website “I write like” but from the first moment I was mesmerized by the system. A simple idea in theory but very complicated in application. It’s a good example of where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found a perfect application, to rapidly analyze language patterns, then make comparison of […]

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Scott Adams the Dilbert Creator on Trump

One of the great inspiration for me lately was finding out about Scott Adams, the cartoon artist and creator of Dilbert. Not only is his cartoon excellent but he’s on a great youtube channel where he expounds about the persuasion techniques that President Trump is using in his speeches and tweet storms etc… Scott Adams […]

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Practicing mindfulness and meditation

A friend gave me a horoscope reading for my birthday and in it it said, that I would be giving up social life in favor of meditation and reflection. Also, that purple was my color for this year and amethyst crystal my stone, a couple other details which I’ve forgotten but the notion of my […]

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My office in the Imagination Factory

My Office in the Imagination Factory

Bitcoin was born of imagination, almost like a John Lennon lyric; imagine a world with no central bank governance? Imagine a way to digitize money and share or send it across borders without any hassle, simple and easy, pier-to-pier transfers? Imagine an electronic network of digital money that everyone can trust and everyone, everywhere, wants […]

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Raoul Duke and Dr. Gonzo en route to California

Fear and Loathing in California

California was like being in a movie, every day a new scene from Gonzo script writer. I was nomadic between Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Malibu in rented U.S. sports cars (late model Camaros mostly but also Mustang, Charger and 1 Corvette). At that time, I had no permanent U.S. address because I was renting […]

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revolution of the mind

The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy

 The global economy is in crisis. The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, forces us to rethink our economic models. Where do we go from here? In this feature-length documentary, social and economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin lays out a road map to usher in a new […]

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Fight Club and Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge

Drudge Report, Zero Hedge and Youtube

At the risk of sounding redundant, as I know I’ve said this somewhere before but because it’s worth repeating, I’ll say again; the first things I read online every morning and the last thing I look at online every night, in the same order is Drudge Report, Zero Hedge and Youtube and here’s why you […]

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