Peace rabbit

When Peace and Love was Cool

Anti-war was everything and peace was cool. I was just a kid back in the 60’s but the coolness of peace and love lasted all the way into the 80’s. The Vietnam war had changed the sensibilities of a generation. Peace and love was cool and everybody was into it. Along comes the Rabbit Hole […]

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stoic enlightenment

Enlightenment is the Great Awakening

Wisdom of Clarity from Awareness is the Prize Eastern philosophy provides excellent ideas for the pursuit of ascension. Enlightenment is the process of the great awakening and it all begins with awareness. Information flow at this time, is full of fear and contempt. Fear for what lays ahead and contempt for the people who have […]

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Revenge and Redemption for Ivermectin and Chloroquine

I am a gentle man, filled with love but fighting as a digital soldier for truth and global peace. Forgiveness is the way forward for the horrific crimes that have been perpetrated against us. We don’t need revenge, what we need is retribution and redemption. Juxtapose the word Ivermectin with redemption or retribution, it makes […]

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St. Michael the Archangel

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. […]

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Zest for lemons

Zest for Life and Chaga Tea

The importance of lemon zest and Chaga Tea, for more peace of mind Everyday of living through political drama, aware of the danger related to the military, pharmaceutical industrial complex, takes a toll on the body and the mind. Attitude of gratitude is what we seek to be happy, nothing attracts abundance like a powerful […]

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Bob Marley

Running Away? You Lucky Dog

Bob Marley sang that every man thinks his burden is the heaviest In his song “Running Away”, Bob Marley goes on to sing, that you can’t run away from yourself. (You are NOT a Lucky Dog). For anyone paying attention to social media, you will be aware of the crimes against humanity, that medical data […]

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God is Love

Faith that God Loves You

Know that God is in your life, that is faith. Know that it’s not an accident that you are here now. Monitor your thoughts to control the outcome of your life. Have faith that God loves you. If you buy a lottery ticket, it’s not faith that wins, that’s wishing. Wishing and faith are related […]

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President Trump

President Trump is Greatest of All Time, Here’s Why

Many say that Donald J. Trump is the best President during their lifetime. I say he’s the best President of all time and here’s why. The effort to destroy the United States of America is obvious. We are witness to a powerful cabal, with an age-old plan, that will stop at nothing in order to […]

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God wins

How to Win in a Culture War

Strategy and Tactics for the Clash of Ideologies The most important key in winning this war we find ourselves in, is to avoid conflict. We are fighting against embedded ideas and our perceived enemies are actually victims of programming. The battle is between beliefs, not against individuals, groups, tribes or armies. The culture war is […]

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Trump animated

Massive Global Shortage of Conspiracy Theories

False narratives destroyed by facts and truth causing global shortage of Conspiracy Theories Mainstream media experts blame Elon Musk for the damage to the paradigm that had taken years to program in the population. In some cases government agents and democrat leaders spent years and millions of dollars to develop these fake stories, which are […]

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