Aweber and FormStack help keep our connection

Aweber and FormStack vs MailChimp and NinjaForms

Not so long ago it was good enough to use the “Contact form” built into WordPress since the beginning but a few instant problems arise mostly due to mailserver being separate from Apache or Linux web server software. Sending any amount of bulk email is always going to have bounce backs, there’s a rule-of-thumb in […]

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Content Chemistry

Content Chemistry by Orbit Media

Today I attended a webinar hosted by Aweber to feature Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer – Orbit Media and author of an incredible resource called Content Chemistry: The Illustrated Handbook for Content Marketing Content Chemistry is the result of conversations with thousands of companies since 2001. These are the most important and effective marketing […]

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Man’s Best Friend

My lovely dog Victoria is now deceased and despite knowing for months that she was suffering from chronic bronchitis and not well at all, then given a few more weeks time by modern medicine and excellent loving care. Even knowing she was going to be leaving it still didn’t prepare me for the emotions I […]

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Mexican avocado

Mexican Cuisine and the Amazing Avocado

Chapultepec Castle on top of Chapultepec Hill One upon a time I was in Mexico City, in and area of the city called Zona Rosa, where they wash and sweep the sidewalks in the morning and you can find the most charming boutiques, cafes, and restaurants. By asking around and getting good advice, I found […]

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From tiny spark...

From a tiny spark…

From tiny spark… Today my story is all about the imagination and how to find that spark. found both of these two photos in the search term “bursting”. I’ve been so inspired lately and such incredible things have fallen into alignment, the circumstances of my life find me in the most amazing moment. Ignition! By […]

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Stream of Consciousness

Swimming in the Stream of Consciousness

The most amazing thing has been happening to me lately, I’ve been diving into moments of synchronicity and swimming in the stream of consciousness. It’s like when you’re communicating and all of a sudden these amazing statements came out of your mouth, that sound incredibly wise and well articulated but you wonder where they came […]

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Living in a Post Truth World

Living in a Post Truth World

I realize I promised not to spin negative yarns and talk conspiracy here on this blog, especially since I’m recovering from my own cognitive dissonance and doing awesome in my recovery. Occasionally I’ll gripe about the aerosol injections in the sky over my head, and wish they wouldn’t spray us but I generally keep it […]

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Proof of Concept in a Mosaic of Numbers

How to Develop Proof of Concept

Before you can develop proof of concept you need to have a business plan, a dream, a passion, time money and ambition. It’s often compared to climbing Mt. Everest but I promise you it’s much harder and many more people have made the trek and everybody starts at the bottom. Over a decade ago I […]

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Turks and Caicos Islands

Turks and Caicos Islands

Once upon a time I was a licensed Real Estate Agent in Toronto, Canada and I met these experts at limited partnership, real estate development. They were a couple and both with allot of experience in major resort development in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The year was 1987 and I was learning from two […]

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Bermuda roofline

Giancarlo Zema Design Group and Bermuda

Once upon a time I was the Bahama Out Islands webmaster, until the Ministry of Tourism amalgamated that site, which I had archived, with thousands of photos sent by the resort owners. As there were, at that time in the 90’s about 72 Resorts, Hotels, Motels and Guest Houses listed on the website, from about […]

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