The Book of Revelation is the final book of the New Testament (and therefore the final book of the Christian Bible).

The Revelation Explanation Chain Letter

Regardless if you believe in God or not, read this message and pass it on. This is a chain letter, please don’t break the Revelation Explanation Chain Letter. Throughout history, we can see how we have been strategically conditioned coming to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you […]

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Don’t worry be happy

Don’t worry be happy – Easy to say but how to achieve? Sure we can trust in God, trust the plan and trust that we are watching a movie. Millions of us believe that the best is yet to come, however what we witness is the greatest shit-show of all time. Media bombards us with […]

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Trump truth about Arizona

Only the Truth will Set us Free

Arizona Trump Truth and Cognitive Dissonance Such an astonishing time to be alive, always sounds cliche to say, how great this time is. The Great Awakening!  We can’t really see all the truth yet, it’s the forest for the trees syndrome. We’re so embedded in the moments of this historic unveiling, that we will only […]

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A painting of Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem, by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1897

Jesus Riding Into Jerusalem on a Donkey

A painting of Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem, by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1897 God Is Always About The Details. Here Are A Few Interesting Things Of Note About Donkeys And Jesus Riding Into Jerusalem On One. Matthew 21:1-11 tells us about Jesus’ instructions regarding the donkey he rode to enter Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Jesus was […]

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God Speaks in Silence

God Speaks in Silence

All other copies are poor translations With so many words bombarding us from all directions, reminds of the poem by Mother Shipton (see below) in which she says; … in the twinkling of an eye, around the world thoughts shall fly. Could she have known about the Internet, or is she referring to an even […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Looking Into Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Unlocking Artificial Intelligence I am a web geek, always was (since the term was coined) and always will be. When I heard about Open AI and how successful the launch of ChatGPT, I had to see it for myself. Fear of Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be on high-alert, making me even more intrigued. A […]

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Juan O Savin

Open AI on Q Conspiracy Theory

Open AI; Who is Juan O Savin? Juan O Savin is a pseudonym used by an individual who claims to be a military insider and patriot with knowledge of behind-the-scenes events in the United States government. He has gained a following among supporters of former President Donald Trump and the QAnon conspiracy theory movement for […]

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Digital Soldier sniper

There is No Surrender for a Digital Soldier

Defeat is not an option, there’s no surrender in the war against the forces of darkness We are living in the greatest time to be alive, during the greatest wealth transfer in human history. We the people are taking our planet back, with you as digital soldier, the tide has turned in favour of the […]

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Lucky Rabbit

Do you feel lucky?

The question to ask ourselves; “Do you feel lucky?” As each day passes and it becomes more and more obvious that we are in “end times”, we tend to ask ourselves deeper questions. As we learn about more and more people who “Died Suddenly”, we tend to ask questions about our own demise. Is there […]

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President Donald Trump at Mt. Rushmore

Trump Peace I Give to You

Imagine the audacity to compare Donald Trump to Jesus Christ? Only if you understand peace can you make this connection. Peace is born incarnate into each and every living being, it’s not something we can obtain from outside of ourselves. We must find peace within ourselves, before we can give it to anyone else. Peace […]

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