Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, fresco at a greek orthodox church

Gospel of Thomas

Didymos Judas Thomas Nag Hammadi Codex II, folio 32, the beginning of the Gospel of Thomas The Gospel of Thomas was discovered near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in December 1945 among a group of books known as the Nag Hammadi library. Scholars speculate that the works were buried in response to a letter from Bishop Athanasius […]

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Sabarmati Ashram is located in the Sabarmati suburb of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, adjoining the Ashram Road, on the banks of the River Sabarmati

The Statue of Unity

Mahatma Gandhi who lived at Sabarmati. Sabarmati Ashram is located in the Sabarmati suburb of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, adjoining the Ashram Road, on the banks of the River Sabarmati Christ the Redeemer I just learned something very cool, as I was studying the statue called Christ the Redeemer for Peace Revolution. Also, I’ve noticed that Redeemer […]

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Haida Gwaii Eagle

First Nations Art in Canada

“The Spirit of Haida Gwaii” – The Jade Canoe First Nations Art is something I want to learn more about, so I decided to create this page and begin gathering information about the various artists and mediums of art from Native Artisans in Canada. Anyone who knows me, knows that I like the work of […]

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In a geomagnetic storm, a surge in the flux of charged particles temporarily alters Earth's magnetic field, which induces electric fields in Earth's atmosphere, thus causing surges in electrical power grids. (Not to scale.)

Crystals, Royal Rife and Maxwell’s equations

Royal Rife was famous for inventing a machine that could defeat cancer using Maxwell’s equations and crystals. Sadly for humanity, it was about that time of formation and rise to prominence of the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), both biology based. The scientific breakthrough work, to match pathogens to frequency, […]

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Bahamas Dorian Relief

Bahamas Dorian Relief

Bahamas is receiving immediate Hurricane Dorian relief from it’s neighbours in Florida, this time without the need or help of celebrity politicians who keep the money. Now people are helping people. Below is an update on our Bahamas Dorian Relief efforts. Share the Growth (STG) is having a luncheon to rally Bahamas Dorian Relief support […]

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Ten Souls for ten ten 0010110

Ten Ten Code & 0010110

Ten Ten Code 0010110 was dropped on my brain today by Dr. Deb from Boston. She’s always Avantgarde when it comes to spirit, so as the story goes…. a few years ago a group of people began a world-wide time for mass meditation at 10:10 twice per day, from anywhere in the world, when it […]

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Chevelle by Chevrolet

Chevrolet Chevelle SS Convertible

1968 Chevy Chevelle The Car calendar on my wall in my office is showing a 1966 Chevelle convertible in blue, with a 396. The car in the photo (below) is a 1968 from Montreal, Quebec but I couldn’t find the blue beauty from my calendar. As a teenager the first muscle car I went for […]

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Peace Revolution of Love

Peace Revolution of Love

A Course in Miracles has had such a profound effect on me that I decided to create my own ministry. I want everyone to learn about the Foundation for Inner Peace and how life-altering it is to know about Miracles. Miracles are everywhere and happen in ways we have no understanding of, so all we […]

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My Self-Reliance YT Channel

My Self-Reliance YT Channel

Canada has produced some great content creators on YouTube and one of my favourites is Shawn James and his dog Kelly, at their cabin in Northern Ontario. The Channel is called My Self-Reliance. There’s allot to learn from this channel and it’s amazing to see so many people watch it and that Shawn has become […]

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