The Law of One

The Law of One

According to Ra we are each a mind, body, spirit complex and we’re here on earth in the 3rd density, to learn about our past incarnations, as well as to assist in the ongoing transition to the 4th density. Consider this, if you will, Ra says… The universe is infinite. This has yet to be […]

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Terence McKenna and Stoned Ape Theory

Terence McKenna and Stoned Ape Theory

In the early 1990s, psychedelic advocate and ethnobotanist Terence McKenna published his book Food of the Gods in which he surmised that homo sapiens’ cognitive leap forward was due to their discovery of magic mushrooms. Can’t get rid of Terence McKenna in my mind lately, then it dawned on me that the reason I’m meant […]

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What I learned at WordCamp

What I learned at WordCamp

WordPress Rocks! and WordCamp is as much knowledge and information as can be consumed in a single day, when it comes to learning about WordPress and web publishing. What I learned at WordCamp was profound, that really it’s about the written word and spinning a yarn, then publishing it. The technology is now so incredible, […]

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WordCamp Vancouver 2019

Raincity WordCamp, Vancouver 2019

Did I say how much I love WordPress? And how excited I am to go to WordCamp? A web geek at heart and incredibly excited to go to this event, first time in my life I’m happy to go to a camp of any kind but today I was walking around the UBC campus (in […]

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Wisdom of words

Wisdom of words was brought to mind when I saw this owl photo. Owls trigger me to think about wisdom. I seek wisdom and realized that whenever I stop blogging here, I don’t feel complete at the end of my day. As I have said before; the only way to become a writer, is to […]

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60 meters taller than Mount Robson, standing at 4019 meters, Mount Waddington is the 3rd tallest mountain in British Columbia, after Mount Fairweather and Quincy Adams peaks on the Alaskan border. The mountain also has the second highest prominence in BC, at 3289 meters. Standing at the head of the Bute and Knight Inlets, the mountain is surrounded by such rugged, remote terrain that it is rare to even be able to see the peak.Mount Waddington

Left Coast Media and the Slacklife Series

60 meters taller than Mount Robson, standing at 4019 meters, Mount Waddington is the 3rd tallest mountain in British Columbia, after Mount Fairweather and Quincy Adams peaks on the Alaskan border. The mountain also has the second highest prominence in BC, at 3289 meters. Standing at the head of the Bute and Knight Inlets, the […]

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Nautors Swan

Nautors Swan

Dreams of sailing on a Nautors Swan This year is the 40th year anniversary for the greatest sailboat builder, the legendary Nautor Swan of Finland. For Nautor’s Swan, 48 is a magic number. One of the most iconic Swans ever was born in 1971 under this number: the mythical Swan 48. Designed by the best […]

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Cameroon and the Bight of Bonny

Cameroon and the Bight of Bonny

Cameroon and the Bight of Bonny has completely captured my imagination now that I’ve been turned-on to it’s beauty and bounty. Most unique of countries that has been called the “Hinge” of West Africa and I’m sure it’s been called allot of things, since it was once a prized colony. Cameroon has the most diverse […]

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French Beach , Vancouver Island, near Sooke, British Columbia

Sooke, British Columbia

French Beach, Vancouver Island, near Sooke, British Columbia The town of Sooke is another place in British Columbia that I have not seen and even though I won’t admit to a bucket list, there are some place I just feel I must go an experience for myself. That being said; Sooke British Columbia is high […]

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Static Hydro Energy

Static Hydro Energy

My entire life I believed, for some reason or another, that secrets of the universe were contained in a single drop of water. Today I learned about Static Hydro Energy and now feel we just opened Pandora’s box. I once thought that all the energy that is everywhere is in a single drop of water […]

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