The Question of Love

The Question of Love

The Question of Love is a movie made for Valentine and highly recommended for all those seeking love, in love or longing for love. This age old question is key to what makes the world go around and perhaps the most important topic for every individual to explore. In a world rife with consumerism, where […]

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Effortless living

The Art of Effortless Living

Effortless Living is possible and you can achieve it too. Experts describe the steps and explain details of the path, how to follow the great thinkers who discovered the map of the mind. You need to know where to go when your thinking wonders away, observe to know the signals, then align with the correct […]

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A Jacques Lameloise (a three-star Michelin Guide chef) nouvelle cuisine presentation

Escoffier, César Ritz and the Savoy

Georges Auguste Escoffier (French: 28 October 1846 – 12 February 1935) was a French chef, restaurateur and culinary writer who popularized and updated traditional French cooking methods. Much of Escoffier’s technique was based on that of Marie-Antoine Carême, one of the codifiers of French haute cuisine, but Escoffier’s achievement was to simplify and modernize Carême’s elaborate and ornate style. In particular, he codified […]

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Douglas Tompkins: Wild Legacy

Of all the ideas ever enacted, nothing staggers the imagination for it’s achievement, than the conservation work of Douglas Tompkins. “If anything can save the world, I’d put my money on beauty” Douglas Tompkins Douglas Tompkins (born 1943 in New York) was an American environmentalist and former businessman. Douglas Tompkins was a world-renowned adventurer, entrepreneur, […]

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World End by Pawel Szvmanski

How Will The World End?

Can what has no beginning really end? The world will end in an illusion, as it began. Yet will its ending be an illusion of mercy. The illusion of forgiveness, complete, excluding no one, limitless in gentleness, will cover it, hiding all evil, concealing all sin and ending guilt forever. So ends the world that […]

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Ralph Brown and his brother Bob

Cup Royale Race Around the World

Ralph Brown and his brother Bob As you may already know, the TV audience for boat racing is huge on the global market. However, it is not structured to make money like NASCAR or Formula One. Cup Royale was created to structure and capture a portion of that very large global boat racing market. According […]

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Thievery Corporation

Thievery Corporation

Thievery Corporation give way more than they take! Saw them live tonight WOW! can’t stop thinking how cool they are, like an adventure in music. This band takes you on a tour from the first beat to the last strum. Thievery Corporation is an American electronic music duo consisting of Rob Garza and Eric Hilton. Their musical style […]

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neon girls sign

Intellectual Prostitutes

Intellectual Prostitutes It would seem that Paula Craig Roberts has been proven correct! John Swinton, former Chief of Staff of the most powerful and prestigious newspaper on earth, The New York Times, when asked to give a toast to the “free press” at the New York Press Club stated: “There is no such thing, at this […]

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Jack Parsons

Babalon Working vs A Course in Miracles

“Freedom is a two-edged sword of which one edge is liberty and the other responsibility, on which both edges are exceedingly sharp,” Jack Whiteside Parsons an American rocket scientist. Jack Parsons in 1938, holding the replica car bomb used in the murder trial of police officer Captain Earl Kynette. Anonymous – Los Angeles Times. This […]

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Philippe de Champaigne's Vanitas (c. 1671) is reduced to three essentials: Life, Death, and Time

Memento Mori and Vanitas

Día de Muertos (day of the dead) recently passed and reminded me of Memento Mori, which I thought was made famous by Roman Generals but can’t find proof, however I did find the cool painting called Vanitas (below) and more nuggets of knowledge about life, death and time. A memento mori (Latin ‘remember that you must die’) is […]

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