Digital Angel Soldiers Training Guide

Digital Angel Soldiers Training Guide

Where we go one, we go all! Best is yet to come! Digital Angel Soldiers Training Guide is for new information warriors, to learn how to arm yourselves for the fight against FAKE NEWS, FAKE SCIENCE and new world order propaganda, using reason and logic with full power of truth. An emanation of stinky old […]

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Kid by the Side of the Road

Kid by the Side of the Road

Kid by the Side of the Road is a 68 page booklet by Juan O’Sovin can be purchased for download from Gum Road – Kid by the Side of the Road George magazine John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. is the Kid, often referred to as John-John or JFK Jr., is an American lawyer, journalist, and magazine […]

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Light of Love - by Piter Frank, with a Nikon D850 Nikon AF Micro NIKKOR 60mm f/2.8D Editing with Adobe photoshop Software and Light Room.

Light of Love

So much suffering in the world at this time, with so many people working online from home, sharing truth of crimes against humanity, it floods the zone with nasty information and causes the people absorbing this information to feel heavy and sad. This message is about the Light of Love to remedy the blues of […]

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Mount Robson, Canadian Rockies

British Columbia Gold Rushes

Mount Robson, Canadian Rockies Gold on my mind lately and learning for the first time about the Omineca Country, also the omineca geology of British Columbia and why the gold rushes happened. The word omineca was used in geology to describe a rift region of land, left behind after dramatic upheaval, followed by millions of […]

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Melody Gardot

Preacherman by Melody Gardot is a Rock Classic

Melody Gardot is a Jazz icon for sure but in my opinion she should be in the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame for both the song and the video Preacherman, now in it’s 5th year. This ballad evokes a visceral feeling of pain and suffering like only the greatest rock song can do. She slays it. […]

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Christ in the Wilderness

Christ in the Wilderness

Christ in the Wilderness by Ivan Kramskoi. This great artist lived in Russia, born in 1837 and died at 50 years old in 1887 but left behind this amazing painting called “Jesus in the Desert” (or wilderness). This image is a scan by the Google Cultural Institute, as the original hangs in the Tretyakov Gallery […]

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Changing the Letter, 1908, by Joseph Edward Southall. The subject is taken from the poem 'The Man Born to be King' from William Morris's 'The Earthly Paradise'. The sealed letter is addressed 'To The Governor'

Unveiling the Rose – The Hidden King of England

Changing the Letter, 1908, by Joseph Edward Southall. The subject is taken from the poem ‘The Man Born to be King’ from William Morris’s ‘The Earthly Paradise’. The sealed letter is addressed ‘To The Governor’ The Hidden King of England is one of the most important stories of our time because it challenges the truth […]

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Atomic bomb explosions over Hiroshima, Japan, 6 August 1945 (left) and over Nagasaki, Japan, 9 August 1945 (right).

Valley of the Shadow of Death

Tribulation is the best word to describe 2020 but unlike the Biblical reference this war is not derived from a dream, it’s playing out in the great cities of the western world, and has the attention of every living being with a free mind. Most of us recognize that we are walking in the Valley […]

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Ghana currency

Environmentally Responsible Gold Mining in Ghana

A North American team are using Responsible Gold Mining and best practices for operating and producing Ghana Gold Export. The objective is to provide experience from Canada gold production in Ghana, also to develop trade with local miners and experts on the ground, to participate with the already well-established co-operative in the goldfields of Ghana. […]

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Woodcut in 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle depicting the fall of Babylon

Alignment of Planets to Mark the Fall of Babylon

Hillah, Iraq (May, 29th 2003) — A U.S. Marine Corps Humvee vehicle drives down a road at the foot of Saddam Hussein’s former Summer palace with ruins of ancient Babylon in the background. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 1st Class Arlo K. Abrahamson. (RELEASED) Future proves past. Fall of Babylon written in the sky […]

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