Julian Assange

Julian Assange Must be Free

Who is Julian? Julian is a Freedom fighter, free speech campaigner, publisher, he has awards all over the world• Julian started a WikiLeaks, a high-volume site for whistleblowers and sources to come forward. It’s been so enormously successful, and it’s upset powerful players, so they’ve gone after him.• WikiLeaks publications have exposed war crimes and […]

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Love God

The Power of Intention and the Purpose of Prayer

The power of intention is the purpose of prayer. Many people misunderstand the practice of prayer, as it has a religious stigma associated with it, however many people pray without knowing they are. My own belief is that we can manifest our wishes by intending them to happen and prayer is the key for setting […]

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John Kennedy plane

Love of the Legend that is John Kennedy Jr.

An emotional week… If I were emotionally weak ~ Vincent Fusca July 16, 2021 I will never forget the moment I learned that John Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn and her sister Lauren, had perished in a plane crash on their way to Martha’s Vineyard. Walking out of the Floridian Cafe on Las Olas Boulevard […]

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Bikini Beach, Vancouver

Bikini Beach, Vancouver

One of the best kept secrets of the city of Vancouver is the the tiny beach at the entrance to Stanley Park, at the start of Lost Lagoon Drive, where the Pacific kisses the sandy log strewn shores. The beach, some say, earned her name because of it’s size, others say because it’s the best […]

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Elders Without Borders

Support Elders Without Borders Vision

Elders Without Borders is a non-profit organization that was established in 1999 by Michael Swinwood and Algonquin traditional Elder, Grandfather William Commanda. The initial vision was to establish a space dedicated to the preservation of the wisdom and teachings of Indigenous Elders and Ancestors across Mother Earth. To use this wisdom in restoring traditional ways of […]

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Peace Revolution Weapons

Peace Revolution Some 5 years ago I started promoting the idea of a “Peace Revolution” and yes I know there were others before me, specifically dot com and dot net but I was able to purchase the domain PeaceRevolution.love. My brother in arms Marcos, is a man of Godly intentions, he had written a wonderful […]

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Roots, Rock, Reggae

Play I some music! Root’s Rock, Reggae! Everyday I go to the beach for sunset and swim in the sea but before I dive in I make sure I play loudly my master blaster, by startin off the jammin with Bob Marley – Play I some music. So what’s been happening over the past few […]

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Melania Trump and the Be Best Hashtag

Dear Digital Soldiers, I am requesting assistance in defending the Be Best Hashtag, as my Facebook account was terminated and had been the primary defender of that hashtag. Note that I don’t use that tag outside of direct support of original actions of FLOTUS. Each time she produces new digital content, download, sort, save and […]

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Lorde’s new song ‘Solar Power’ is a gorgeous, sun-kissed

Solar Power by Lorde

Lorde – Solar Power (Lyrics) I hate the winter Can’t stand the cold I tend to cancel all the plans (so sorry, I can’t make it) But when the heat comes Something takes a hold Can I kick it? Yeah, I can My cheeks in high colour, overripe peaches No shirt, no shoes, only my […]

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The children of Jacob sell their brother Joseph by Konstantin Flavitsky, 1855. Judah was the one who suggested that Joseph be sold, rather than killed.

What’s the difference between Jew and Jewish

The children of Jacob sell their brother Joseph by Konstantin Flavitsky, 1855. Judah was the one who suggested that Joseph be sold, rather than killed. Let’s unwind this one shall we? by GhostEzra First, we must start with the origins of both words Jew and Jewish. Both are recent modern words found nowhere in the […]

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