For those with eyes to see and ears to hear. The most important thing I’ve been telling people for well over a year now, is that Naughty Beaver is connecting dots with Flower of Life and also explaining how Nostradamus had foretold the sequence of events that are happening, specifically the Great Sign in the Sky (as described in Revelation 12).
The reason I say for those with eyes to see, is that everyone on earth is seeing changes and only some people are understanding what is happening. For me it was the ringing in the ears that enabled me to find Naughty Beaver in the first place, however I had been researching space too and believe in the Hopi Prophecy. For over ten years I have been watching and learning about the heavens (also known as space), since it’s mentioned over one hundred times in the Bible.
For sure the flower of life geometry is real but why spray from above?
Worth searching images of great sign in the sky to see for yourself and read about Revelation 12, then ask yourself the chances that so many signs of tribulation could be possible, with a few yet to come, which I won’t mention but the message contained is one of great hope, peace is ahead.
Naughty Beaver has taken a radical path to arrive at the conclusions he’s sharing with us, the thing is though, it all makes perfect logical sense. However, it feels weird accept that benevolent races would spray us too (assuming that malevolent forces have been spraying us for decades). In many ways that’s my major grievance, since I really resent that Geo-engineering and cloud seeding happens.

A couple of other huge clues set me on the path of the Red Star a very long time ago, for example “Wormwood Observatory” in West Australia and that the Vatican would be so heavily invested in the building the most powerful observatory with the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope.
The 1.8 meter Alice P. Lennon Telescope and its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), is a Gregorian telescope observing in the optical and infrared situated on Mount Graham in southeast Arizona, United States. It achieved its first light (first starlight to pass through a telescope onto its detector) in 1993.
VATT is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory and is operated by the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, in partnership with The University of Arizona.

Naughty Beaver Photo credit: CatDancing on / CC BY-NC
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