The Lions Gate Portal opens from July 26th to August 12th, sending beams of high vibration energy to planet Earth, however the energies are at their peak on August 8th. Millions of web references saying the Lion’s Gate opens on the eighth day of the eighth month, activating the energetic power of 8/8 that many people are feeling.
In numerology, 8 embodies balance and equalization in and across all realms. 8 brings shifts and changes that bring harmony and alignment. When under the influence of 8, being willing to let go of things that have been tipping the scales out of balance is key to success and peace. Far-reaching ideas, achievement, financial security, leadership, organization, and ambition are all expressions of the number 8 vibration.
Serius – ly I had never heard of the Lions Gate Portal until this morning and it prompted me to have my numbers calculated and here’s what it said:
from Penelope at Numberologist.com
Thank you Aaron, for stopping by and watching our special sneak-peak video presentation showcasing a powerful glimpse into you and your unique combination of numbers.
You saw just a small opening glimpse, the tip of the iceberg, a glimmer of insight – into your complete personal numerology.
Exciting, isn’t it?
Your name: (Aaron Arthur Day) and date of birth: (February 21, 1961) combine to create a unique combination that…once fully understood…give you an incredibly powerful insight and personal edge in this life.
Whether you seek insight into love, relationships, money, abundance, health, or longevity…
It’s simply true that your life’s journey can be forever enhanced by the awareness of your numerology and the numerology of those around you.
In fact, many people look to astrology for answers and while it is amazing, numerology takes your given name into account, because as Pythagoras the ancient mathematician knew – people interact with you based on your name and it is a constant influence in your life’s journey.
Knowledge is power.
We understand that numerology can sometimes seem complex, mysterious, and difficult to understand. It doesn’t have to be that way, and we’re working to demystify it for you.
Your numbers are so extremely powerful, as you can see in this image (turn on or allow images in your email to see it):
The video you watched is only available on our site and it is securely stored on our system and exists nowhere else.
We ALSO created for you – a full and complete downloadable PDF report – A Personality Decoder Report – unique to you. It’s jam-packed with so much personal insight that we can hardly wait to share it with you.
More about that report in a moment…but first, please…
NOTE: It’s important for you to know that both the video introduction and full PDF report will be deleted very soon from our system to securely shred your information, but you can download it now before we delete it forever.
To grab your full, personalized report with complete explanations of your numbers, all of your unique calculations done-for-you, and how each of these number affect your life and interactions with others…
Simply, grab it before we must delete it for security and to free up space on our system for other people.
You’ve already discovered that you have three key numerology numbers and that each have a profound impact on your life and when combined…
…they create a life’s roadmap to create more abundance, peace of mind, and more joyous certainty…in all things… Your “4” Life Path, “3” Expression, “4” Soul Urge, and more…
You have an incredibly powerful number combination for sure. If you’d like to get those goosebumps…or, goosies…again…
Rewatch your video… it’s right here:
→ Enjoy your personalized Video Numerology Report
Aaron, our team has poured their hearts and souls into generating the most accurate and captivating numerology reports the world has ever seen…
Thanks again for being here, Aaron and look for another email from us soon…
(please add us to your safe senders, address book or whitelist us to ensure you get our emails).
We’re sending you a special welcome gift, and we want to make sure you get the email.
(You’ll learn quickly just how much we love surprising you!)
Many blessings,
Penelope, and The Numerologist Team
Dear Penelope and the Numerologist Team, You Guys Rock! Thank you!
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