Happy Thanksgiving from Canada, with Gratitude
Everyday I feel blessed and give thanks to God for living in the Pacific Northwest. Today is October 10th and it’s Thanksgiving Day here in Canada, and it feels like summer by the sea. Temperatures are warm, blue skies, calm weather and beautiful sunshine. Such a blessing. I never forget and always give thanks.
As a person who live their adult life, in the information age, I can’t imagine any other type of work. I love online web development. I’m very grateful and super lucky to have found my passion. I remember my excitement to learn to write HTML a long time ago. I knew it was a gift and I always treasured, and cherished learning more about online web development.
I own and manage several websites, oldest of which is invest offshore. As a digital Soldier, my work has been focused on Silicon Forest. Along the way, I was given an opportunity for which I remain grateful. And that was to manage the list of members of the Vancouver Economic Summit and continue the host the bi-weekly live event. That event changed venues several times and the membership changed when vaccine mandates came in British Columbia.
We had to move the event to Old part of Vancouver in the Edge of Chinatown in Gastown at a pretty tough neighbourhood bar, but we hosted it there for a year and then the mandates were lifted. So we were able to go back to Steamworks again, where we’ve been hosting the event, prior to the scamdemic and Steamworks was the best fit. The reason for that is that sometimes the agenda would be long and we would take up space in a restaurant. Two hours when we had been in the oldest sushi restaurant in Vancouver, for at least a couple of years. We had a symbiotic relationship with the Sushi Bar but they were getting some complaints about how loud our table of 10 to 12 people would become.
So, Steamworks solves the problem, but it also created a new problem. And that is that when the hockey playoff season happens, the televisions will play hockey very loud. Our group of people sitting at one end of the table, might have trouble hearing the whole discussion. Aside from hockey playoff season the bar is perfect because it’s Public and open to all people of legal age. Gratitude for Steamworks.
The idea of the economic Summit is to host a Round-table discussion and have an agenda with about eight categories. However, ever since the jab came the group disbanded, that’s the reason I became the host, as the founder moved back to Idaho. Many of the members moved back to the United States. So I set up the website, Silicone Forest, to be the home of the Vancouver Economic Summit, when I took-over in managing the list. The list is about 120 members, mostly they’re from Vancouver and there has been a request for me to live stream the event, which is something that we’re discussing and planning to do.
In the future we will try a hybrid of online and brick and mortar where we’re actually in Public Bar. So that’s coming in the future, but again, I am so grateful for this opportunity and I feel I have an important responsibility to try and keep Communication going between the diverse viewpoints, to host an open debate in a public place. And that’s the point of the Economic Summit, our objective is to allow all people to voice their viewpoint,s on the topics that are on our agenda. And we use a speed debate style, too. Really have some great discussions. So that’s the purpose of the Vancouver Economic Summit. Happy Thanksgiving from Canada!
Gratitude Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash
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