The weapon of choice for the forces of Light is the Truth. For the forces of Darkness it is lies. Truth always wins because the support structures necessary for maintaining a lie always collapse, and the Truth is its own support.
As Darkness Falls
Every Lie Will Be Revealed
The End won’t be for Everyone.
That Choice, Will be Yours.
Consider This the Tip …
Only the Beginning:
Buckle Up – Get the Popcorn
Because I’m Going Till Dawn
Did You check the Date … ?
Forces of Light image is of Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In the 1850s the Vincentian priest Pedro Maria Boss suggested placing a Christian monument on Mount Corcovado to honour Isabel, princess regent of Brazil and the daughter of Emperor Pedro II, although the project was never approved. In 1921 the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro proposed that a statue of Christ be built on the 2,310-foot (704-metre) summit, which, because of its commanding height, would make it visible from anywhere in Rio. Citizens petitioned Pres. Epitácio Pessoa to allow the construction of the statue on Mount Corcovado.
Holy Week: Where it Happened
Virtual Pilgrimage just in time for Holy Week! Join our guide Rami as he visits sites from Jesus’s Passion, Death & Resurrection.
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