ALL Financial movement must STOP for the RESET
They are trying to roll this out in a way that makes it look like it is a natural response to a natural pandemic
So it is coming out in waves and In “suspending payment” “extending deadlines” etc
Scare event necessary –
The world stops temporarily and humans will be forced to unite –
We used to say we needed a good alien invasion to bring the world together as one –
Well we got a manmade virus that cannot infect conscious human beings – because they are sealed
You are sealed
Separating the wheat from the chaff – Is separating fear from love
All fear based beliefs, energies, thoughts etc – are being purged as the world faces the fear of death and the loss of financial stability – the crash of the matrix
The Ground Crew – that was targeted by the deep fake – lost everything all ready
We’ve been speaking truth for years now – ridiculed, called crazy, ostracized, some we lost to suicide, some were placed in institutions, some were murdered, some were arrested – all ascend regardless of how they get there
This was by design and to get you prepared – once everything is lost – there is no more attachment to illusions – material things – survival instinct goes away and fear is gone
Your identity is no longer what it once was
This is what the world is facing now for the sleepers
When you have nothing left to lose – you are mentally free
You become able to discern when you are connected back to source
The world is stopping to HEAL
The world is stopping to reveal TRUTH
The world is stopping to RESET
The world is stopping because you won’t stop running off a clock and the clock isn’t real
The world is stopping for you
Ground Crew – this is your time
I am so damn honored proud and humbled to have been walking this path with all of you
Even if we aren’t 100% correct on the outcomes – Humanity still wakes up – and that was the main point and our biggest role – to remove fear from the grid
Fear is the virus
You all deserve the utmost respect and admiration
You are no longer star seeds
You are stars!
I have nothing but love for all of you,
Make Earth Great Again
Quantum Shift
Dark to light
By Emma Ross
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