
Archive | Places

Mount Robson, Canadian Rockies

British Columbia Gold Rushes

Mount Robson, Canadian Rockies Gold on my mind lately and learning for the first time about the Omineca Country, also the omineca geology of British Columbia and why the gold rushes happened. The word omineca was used in geology to describe a rift region of land, left behind after dramatic upheaval, followed by millions of […]

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Woodcut in 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle depicting the fall of Babylon

Alignment of Planets to Mark the Fall of Babylon

Hillah, Iraq (May, 29th 2003) — A U.S. Marine Corps Humvee vehicle drives down a road at the foot of Saddam Hussein’s former Summer palace with ruins of ancient Babylon in the background. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 1st Class Arlo K. Abrahamson. (RELEASED) Future proves past. Fall of Babylon written in the sky […]

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Emerald Tablets and the Halls of Amenti

Emerald Tablets and the Halls of Amenti

All day today, for some reason, I had this echoing reminder to post something about the Halls of Amenti, as it’s the most descriptive explanation of a place I’ve been trying to articulate experiences that have occurred to me, on two instances that I was distinctly aware of and very possibly another instance when I […]

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Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town on Zanzibar the Spice Island

The name “Stone Town” comes from the ubiquitous use of coral stone as the main construction material; this stone gives the town a characteristic, reddish warm colour. Zanzibar exudes mystique in it’s name and rich history, earning it’s place in our collective mind; as the Spice Island. Lady Luck has given me another winning combo with an […]

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Miami Beach

I left my heart in Miami

I left my heart in Miami after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 leaving first for Costa Rica, then Brazil. It seemed ignorant of military history to begin another crusade into Babylon (region) and I felt it hypocritical of myself to voice my opinion, as a Canuck living in Florida, to oppose so strongly the […]

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Balsamorhiza sagittata, found on Knox Mountain

Sweet home Okanagan

Aaron atop Knox Mountain, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Sweet home Okanagan title fits so well, borrowed from the famous rock anthem by Lynard Skynard, that it could very well have been written for the place where I grew up; the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. Kelowna 1909 My family legend is that my father’s grandfather […]

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Cameroon and the Bight of Bonny

Cameroon and the Bight of Bonny

Cameroon and the Bight of Bonny has completely captured my imagination now that I’ve been turned-on to it’s beauty and bounty. Most unique of countries that has been called the “Hinge” of West Africa and I’m sure it’s been called allot of things, since it was once a prized colony. Cameroon has the most diverse […]

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French Beach , Vancouver Island, near Sooke, British Columbia

Sooke, British Columbia

French Beach, Vancouver Island, near Sooke, British Columbia The town of Sooke is another place in British Columbia that I have not seen and even though I won’t admit to a bucket list, there are some place I just feel I must go an experience for myself. That being said; Sooke British Columbia is high […]

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Sabarmati Ashram is located in the Sabarmati suburb of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, adjoining the Ashram Road, on the banks of the River Sabarmati

The Statue of Unity

Mahatma Gandhi who lived at Sabarmati. Sabarmati Ashram is located in the Sabarmati suburb of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, adjoining the Ashram Road, on the banks of the River Sabarmati Christ the Redeemer I just learned something very cool, as I was studying the statue called Christ the Redeemer for Peace Revolution. Also, I’ve noticed that Redeemer […]

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