Archive | Culture

Lessons of Lions Gate

Lessons of the Lions Gate

I am Unapologetic for my respect and admiration of Juan O Savin. In my opinion, he’s as close to “Christ wisdom” as any person I have ever heard speak. Very articulate, mostly optimistic and despite the sad topics, his temperament is extraordinary. A character hardened by a life, none of us could imagine. This Lion’s […]

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The Book of Revelation is the final book of the New Testament (and therefore the final book of the Christian Bible).

The Revelation Explanation Chain Letter

Regardless if you believe in God or not, read this message and pass it on. This is a chain letter, please don’t break the Revelation Explanation Chain Letter. Throughout history, we can see how we have been strategically conditioned coming to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you […]

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Digital Soldier sniper

There is No Surrender for a Digital Soldier

Defeat is not an option, there’s no surrender in the war against the forces of darkness We are living in the greatest time to be alive, during the greatest wealth transfer in human history. We the people are taking our planet back, with you as digital soldier, the tide has turned in favour of the […]

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Revenge and Redemption for Ivermectin and Chloroquine

I am a gentle man, filled with love but fighting as a digital soldier for truth and global peace. Forgiveness is the way forward for the horrific crimes that have been perpetrated against us. We don’t need revenge, what we need is retribution and redemption. Juxtapose the word Ivermectin with redemption or retribution, it makes […]

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God wins

How to Win in a Culture War

Strategy and Tactics for the Clash of Ideologies The most important key in winning this war we find ourselves in, is to avoid conflict. We are fighting against embedded ideas and our perceived enemies are actually victims of programming. The battle is between beliefs, not against individuals, groups, tribes or armies. The culture war is […]

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Trump animated

Massive Global Shortage of Conspiracy Theories

False narratives destroyed by facts and truth causing global shortage of Conspiracy Theories Mainstream media experts blame Elon Musk for the damage to the paradigm that had taken years to program in the population. In some cases government agents and democrat leaders spent years and millions of dollars to develop these fake stories, which are […]

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rigged election

American Election System is Rigged, FACTCHECK it

The world was witness to the most obviously rigged election ever staged. The November 8th U.S. midterm elections were corrupt from the start, the cheating so blatant and premeditated that everyone watching said; well, here we go again, people gonna do what people do. The American Election System is Rigged FACTCHECK it yourself Industrial scale […]

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smartest genius

The smartest people made the dumbest choices

I never wanted to speak badly of my friends, colleagues and associates, that are now suffering for taking the vaccine. However, I am glad to be banished from Facebook and LinkedIn, so that I don’t need to be the reminder that “I told you so”. Believe me, there’s no joy in being right about this horrific […]

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Painting depicting the land rush in Oklahoma, 1889

Global Currency Reset and Contract Law

Painting depicting the land rush in Oklahoma, 1889 Contract Law is the bedrock that the US dollar is built on. When America was first born, it was a Brand New Concept whereby individuals could own land. Private land ownership like this had never happened before. In Europe and elsewhere everything was a Serfdom. You could […]

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