My entire life I was hoping for disclosure and that Captain America would Save our Planet, from being an enslavement camp, by giving us Free Energy, Time Travel, Anti-gravity (flying cars) and Frequency Medicine. That day has arrived and I’m so shocked that I have trouble convincing myself it’s happened. However, it all happened in a most immediate moment, when I read this Video Title and watched the contents.
Buffalo Horn guy from Capitol Riot reveals as Military Special Ops and gives a Full Disclosure about free energy, antigravity, ETs, time travel, and lots more.
Captain America Saves the Planet by delivering TRUTH
TR3B Patent
US20060145019A1 – Triangular spacecraft – Google Patents (https://patents.google.com/patent/US20060145019A1/en)
US20060145019A1 US11/017,093 US1709304A US2006145019A1 US 20060145019 A1 US20060145019 A1 US 20060145019A1 US 1709304 A US1709304 A US 1709304A US 2006145019 A1 US2006145019 A1 US 2006145019A1 Authority US United States Prior art keywords hull corners electric sides create Prior art date 2004-12-20 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.
patents.google.com (http://patents.google.com/)
US20060145019A1 – Triangular spacecraft
TR-3B Flying Triangle UFO Patent Now Available to the Public | Mysterious Universe (https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/05/tr-3b-flying-triangle-ufo-patent-now-available-to-the-public/)
mysteriousuniverse.org (http://mysteriousuniverse.org/)
Zero Point Energy Patent
US20100201133A1 – Zero Point Energy Rotator Transducer and Associated Methods – Google Patents (https://patents.google.com/patent/US20100201133A1/en)
An energy conversion system for extracting energy from the zero-point field of space is disclosed and described. This system includes a primary transducer operatively associated with a secondary transducer. The primary transducer can include a substrate having an arm rotatably coupled to the substrate, while the substrate can be confined to move along a linear oscillatory path.
patents.google.com (http://patents.google.com/)
Room Temperature Super Conductor
US20190058105A1 – Piezoelectricity-induced Room Temperature Superconductor – Google Patents (https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190058105A1/en)
The present invention is a room temperature superconductor comprising of a wire, which comprises of an insulator core and a metal coating. The metal coating is disposed around the insulator core, and the metal is coating deposited on the core. When a pulsed current is passed through the wire, while the wire is vibrated, room temperature superconductivity is induced.
patents.google.com (http://patents.google.com/)
Navy files for patent on room-temperature superconductor (https://phys.org/news/2019-02-navy-patent-room-temperature-superconductor.html)
A scientist working for the U.S. Navy has filed for a patent on a room-temperature superconductor, representing a potential paradigm shift in energy transmission and computer systems.
phys.org (http://phys.org/)
Captain America Saves the Planet but not by himself. You’ve been Q’d.
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