“One good thing about music: when it hits you, you feel no pain” – Bob Marley Ask yourself what Bob Marley would think about the plastic packaging of weed? Taxing weed is like putting electricity in wires, against Nature, as Tesla demonstrated, forcing buds into plastic containers, little ones, bigger ones, and many with lids […]
Book of Virtues
Franklin in London, 1767, wearing a blue suit with elaborate gold braid and buttons, a far cry from the simple dress he affected at the French court in later years. Painting by David Martin, displayed in the White House. Franklin on the Series 2009 hundred dollar bill Who doesn’t love Benjamin Franklin? What a rock […]
Greed Kills, Imagine Carthage
Ruins of Carthage History is written by the victors and we know so very little about Carthage because their history was destroyed, along with everything else. This part of the Matrix loop that is our world, just manifests again and again in different forms but with the same destructive characteristics, greed and lust for power. […]
Antarctica Zen
Zen was born from a civilization that was satiated in materialism. One day when there became so much stuff to own/want, very ornate and covered in bling from the four corners of earth, it all became overload and some genius started Zen, then it became a mindset and almost a movement, which all these years […]
Self Inspiration for a Cry Baby
The orange color, always present in my life, even on rainy days ♥ My mind has been uplifted by something that Russel Brand said in a video called How To Let Go Of Sadness and that was the danger of self-pity was so toxic that we must do anything, to not feel too sad about […]
Falkirk Wheel on the Scottish Canals
Windows Ten has a the feed of images that act as screen savers and provide new photographs that have been chosen for how engaging they are, a little pop-up asks if you like what you see? If you’re a Windows user you probably know it. This is how I first saw the Falkirk Wheel and […]
Overcoming Despondency and Coping with the Abomination of Desolation
Ambition is challenged by the abomination on our planet but changes are happening faster and faster, the destruction of food supply from crop loss is particularly alarming but what’s more distructive to hope is the fact that leaders in every country know why climate change is accelerating and they’ve brainwashed the masses to believe it’s […]
Notre Dame Cathedral and Conspiracy Theory
Notre Dame – Rebuild The Hope There’s so much to learn about the Notre Dame Cathedral, the history holds secrets that the recent fire, which many believe was arson by professionals, has only served to draw attention to the rich and illustrious past to understand some of the story of it’s construction and why it […]
ZenDAO Liquid Democracy Treasury Model
The ZenDAO voting platform can replace the old corporate model of business organization with an inclusive, provably fair, and transparent economic system with incentives to participate. Horizen is building a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) as a voting mechanism to allocate treasury funds to continue the development of the Horizen platform. The ZenDAO will be one […]
Eye of Sahara, the Richat Structure
Perhaps the greatest unsolved natural mystery is what is the “eye of Sahara” and how did it get there? Such a gorgeous structure too, that it has it’s own Pinterest Boards and been blogged, researched, debunked, reported on and talked about for decades. To this day, there’s no explanation for who’s eye it is. The […]
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