Tree of life on a rhyton from Marlik, Iran, currently at the National Museum of Iran. The Tree of Life is on my mind lately, so I wanted to post some more information about massive trees but it was the notion that the Devils Tower National Monument may have been a tree. What’s your first […]
Sushi, Sashimi and Tempura with Love from Japan
A culture so awesome that even it’s food is renowned worldwide and loved by Sushi enthusiasts in any great food city, in every place with any restaurant culture, there’s always a spot to find the most distinctive cuisine on the planet, the unique tastes of Sushi, Sashimi and Tempura. Vancouver, Canada is an Asian foodie […]
Cedars of Lebanon
My entire life I’ve held a reverence for giant trees, even planted a couple hundred thousand seedlings in British Columbia, in hopes they would one day fill the patches that had been logged but always in my travels, I’ve been in awe of ancient trees. Today I was researching the Cedars of Lebanon to discover […]
Lion of Judah
Lion of Judah on a Rasta Van Once upon a time, I was in Haight-Ashbury of San Francisco and bought a huge fabric mural wall hanging of Bob Marley with a smile, which adorns an entrance wall in my home. It completely covers the wall with Rasta colors, and has a Lion of Judah in […]
Minds Bill of Rights
Minds Bill of Rights Protects Ideas Minds is officially adopting the Manila Principles On Intermediary Liability, a digital bill of rights, outlined by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and other leading digital rights organizations. The principles have been endorsed by nearly 300 leading press freedom and technology policy organizations and individuals. They act as a guideline […]
Breathwork, breakthroughs and brain power
There will always be two witnesses, in everything in life, and breathing is a perfect example. Inhale and think about it…. breath is everything…. exhale and forget about it…. you’ll just inhale another, and another, without evening thinking about it. Duality is us. Being in the world, not of it, using the mind to seek […]
Bella Coola Valley in the Great Bear Rainforest
The Bella Coola Valley is the Perfect Place to spend your Great Bear Rainforest Expedition. Bella Coola is located in the Heart of the Great Bear Rainforest, on the Central Coast of BC Canada. This summer, relax with a fishing line in hand, explore a hiking trail, drift a river, hire a guide to watch […]
Liberty is Free from Permission
Liberty is Free from Permission Protect a Free and Open Society. Private property is your privacy, it belongs to you. ~ These are the words of Edward Snowden at the Bitcoin 2019 Conference, live by video feed from an undisclosed location in Russia, to an eager packed hall in San Francisco of people in support […]
Adobe Kuler for Design Color Palette
If you love Adobe there’s no end to the tools, resources and tutorials for the Creative suite and the King digital art design tool; Photoshop, that you can find online. However, good design is just the start, as it’s the color palette that will make a design stand-out and “pop” (as they say) and the […]
Hunter S. Thompson and the High Times, Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs
Hunter S. Thompson and his Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was legendary when I was a teen and for some crazy reason, I was inspired by his gonzo journalism. Another idol was Hemmingway, added to that, I grew-up during a time when rock stars were trashing hotel rooms, so for my formative years, I […]
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