If discipline and consistency are maintained over a sustained period of time towards a fixed objective, then it stands to reason that a favorable desired outcome would result. Probably one of the hardest things in life is to remain consistent about the things that bring affluence and yet not to lose sight of the day-to-day […]
Author Archive | Aaron
Breakthrough Thinking
We live in a world of compiled ideas, accrued over time, reinvented with applications of old ideas combined with new breakthroughs. Every day pieces of this enormous cosmic jigsaw puzzle fit together, making clear new ideas to manifest into improvements in the things we use to make our lives better, or more comfortable. So many […]
Enthusiasm and Perseverance
“In the realm of ideas, everything depends on enthusiasm; in the real world, all rests on perseverance.” Goethe
Crown & Anchor
My first effort of image development for a web site design started over 10 years ago with the “crown & anchor” which I believe offers image correlation for “invest & offshore”. Back in my early days of learning Photoshop this was a good practice subject, one which I’ve continued to devote time to right up […]
Mind Altering
Over 12 years ago I first started reading the book called Urantia and attended several study groups so I could ask questions and attempt to understand where the book came from, why it was written, by whom, and why more people weren’t reading it? One of the answers that had meaning to me was that […]
Body of Evidence
My writing assignment today is to write something suitable for this Blog’s category “body” and since I’m not feeling inclined to write about my own body, which is getting fitter but fatter, I’ll save that for another article. So I ran a search in Yahoo News of the word “health” and read a round-up of […]
Embu das Artes
Rarely I travel in Sao Paulo alone and usually never more than I have to but there’s a place about 45 minutes from my home that I thoroughly enjoy visiting. It’s a little town called Embu das Artes or just plain Embu. We have some good friends living there and they have a house on […]
Invest Offshore
Today marks the beginning of a new project, as an affiliate to the world’s largest Independent Financial Advisory group, specializing in the offshore marketplace and operating in more than 30 countries around the globe. The website Invest Offshore has been slated for a re-design and now with the distinct purpose of promoting information for and […]
Sovereign Lifestyle Guide
Since the early 90’s I’ve been involved in publishing information about offshore banking and investing. In 1995 I attended my first major conference of offshore service providers, at the El San Juan Hotel in San Juan Puerto Rico. In attendance there were experts from almost every Caribbean Country, as most of these countries offer no-tax, […]
The Four Agreements
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) The four agreements are these: Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best. It’s the how and why one should do these things that make The Four Agreements worth reading and remembering. You can […]