888.biz Update

Tomorrow will be the 7th day since the official launch of the 888.com MLM program called 888.biz. What an interesting and exciting week it’s been, with each new day another twist or turn happening. Most of the problems right at the launch were related to politics and some insider “heavy-hitter” maneuvering. In case you’re wondering what a heavy hitter is; industry term for a person who has generated a monthly income from Network marketing, in excess of $100,000 per month. Yes, there are many such individuals involved in 888.biz and as the big checks start to get earned there will be many more coming.

Today was the first day where the feature in our back-office to view the matrix was fully functional, also another feature that allows us to view our business genealogy. I was happily surprised to learn that I have over 100 people registered in my matrix, this is a decent start considering today was only day 6. Now it’s up to me to motivate the reps in my group to take action and make something happen from this opportunity.
Many hurdles ahead and it’s still not clear if this business will set the records I (and others) predict, but if it does then I’m in for a very rewarding experience, for the first time in all the times that I’ve attempted to make money from MLM or Network Marketing.
If you’d like to get involved in this exciting business opportunity click here.

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