¤ Welcome to ^orange in the mist^
Firstly the name: I thought it was self-explanatory until my brother felt the need to ask
me just why I'd called the template that. Mist=Grey in background. Orange=highlight colours. Now we've got the
tedious bit out the way ( ;-P ) I'll say something a bit more interesting. I designed this website primarily as a personal site,
and it would be especially good for blogs because of the seperate content boxes. A bit of colour changing could easily
make it more formal, and so more suited to a business, and if you want to make it cleaner get rid of the grey background.
¤ How it is designed
^orange in the mist^ is written in XHTML 1.0 Strict, and uses CSS (instead of tables) for layout. It was actually a very simple design
to make - I completed it in just over an hour, but then Mozilla objected and it took another hour to sort that. This OSWD submission took a bit longer: I had to sort it out to make
it follow the guidelines.
¤ Accessibility
^orange in the mist^ scales to the user's screen size, and is compatiable with Internet
Explorer 6, Mozilla 1.7.1 and Opera 7.53 at most browser font sizes. It shouldnt spill across more than 1 page
horizontally than printing, but I haven't made a Print stylesheet for it.
¤ About Me
I'm a GCSE student in the UK, and I maintain three other websites for various causes.
This is my second OSWD submission, but I've been designing websites for about five years now - although (oh the shame!)
I completed many of my first ones using Microsoft Publisher. In terms of web skills, I only know basic Javascript
other than HTML and CSS, but I am improving as time goes on.